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Serving God faithfully

Ezekiel 44: 10 -19

What does it mean to serve God? Does serving God add any value to one's life? Why should one serve God? In the Bible passage, Ezekiel 44: 13, God reveals that one should not only serve Him faithfully but that there is a reward for those who serve him diligently and faithfully.

The Levites, descendants of Jacob’s son Levi, were selected to serve God in the Holy Temple. They were set apart by God to serve as priests and perform various duties in the tabernacle and later, the temple. The Levites played an important role in the religious life of Israel, ensuring that the tabernacle was maintained and the offerings and sacrifices were performed as prescribed. They also served as teachers, teaching the people the laws and commandments of God.

The Lord said to Moses, "The Levites are now to be mine. When I killed all the first born of all the Egyptians, I consecrated as my one the oldest son of each Israelite family and the first born of every animal. Now, instead of having the first born sons of Israel as my own, I have the Levites, they will belong to me. I am the Lord." Numbers 3:11-13

The Levites were also appointed to serve Aaron and his sons (the priests) while Aaron and his sons were appointed to carry out the duties of the priesthood. It was such a command from God that anyone else who tried to do the duties of a priest was to be put to death (Numbers 3: 10).

In Ezekiel 44:10, while God was speaking to

Ezekiel, he excluded some Levites from serving him as priests or going anywhere that is holy to him or to enter the Most Holy Place. They were assigned to the menial work in the Temple because they had deserted God and worshipped idols.

But because they conducted the worship of idols for the people of Israel and in this way led the people into sin, I, the Sovereign Lord, solemnly swear that they must be punished. Ezekiel 44: 12

However there were some who distinguished themselves, they had served God faithfully and in return they did not only receive recognition but also blessings.

The Sovereign Lord sy, "Those priests belonging to the tribe of Levi who descended from Zadok, however, continued to serve me faithfully in the Temple when the rest of the people of Israel turned away from me. So now they are the ones who are to serve me and come into my presence to offer me the fat and the blood of the sacrifices. They alone will enter my Temple, serve at my altar, and conduct the Temple worship. Ezekiel 44:15- 16

Further down in Ezekiel Chapter 48 during the division of the land among the twelve tribes of Israel, God again acknowledged the priests form Zadok and rewarded them.

This holy area is to be for the priests who are descendants of Zadok. They served me faithfully and did not join the rest of the Israelites in doing wrong, as the other members of the tribe of Levi did. So they are to have a special area next to the area belonging to the Levites, and it will be the holiest of all. Ezekiel 48: 11- 12

God sees and hears everything we do and think of. He is privy to our innermost thoughts and intentions. He searches the heart and He knows those who genuinely seek to serve Him. He is also a rewarded of those who diligently serve him.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrew 11:6 (New King James Version)

In Ezekiel 44:13, just as there is a punishment for disobedience, there is also reward for faithfully serving God, Ezekiel 44: 15-16, 48:11-12.

How can one serve God faithfully?

One can either serve God or mammon. There is no neutral line. It is either one is for God or one is indirectly pleasing the enemy, satan. Serving God is not only about attending church service and programs, it is also a lifestyle. One must serve God with all our hearts, soul and might, regardless of the circumstances.

God has called us from darkness into his marvelous light and in order to stay in the light of God, one must actively and consciously walk with God in all areas of one's life.

  1. Being born again and remaining so.

  2. Studying the word of God. Developing a relationship with God by taking time to know what he says about you and your life through his word.

  3. Using your gifts. Serve God with whatever gift he has bestowed on you.

  4. Showing kindness to others. Be kind and hospitable to those you encounter on a daily basis whether they're believers or unbelievers.

  5. Listening and obeying His voice. When God speaks either through his word or by hearing his voice, always hearken and follow his instructions.

  6. Pursuing a lifestyle of holiness. Without holiness one cannot fully experience the presence of God in one's life.

  7. Praying for others. Praying not only for yourself, but also for your friends, family, community, leaders and those in need.

  8. Giving. One can serve God by helping those in need.

  9. Spreading the message of God's love. One can serve God by telling others about the goodness and faithfulness of God.

  10. Loving God. God is love and if one must serve him faithfully one must also learn to love just as He has loved us.

  11. Building one's faith. Reading the Bible, listening to sermons and testimonies of others helps to build one's faith which is a vital key in serving God. Learning to trust in God whole heartedly and believing in his promises for you is very important in your walk with God.

In conclusion, choosing to serve God faithfully and diligently is a choice that cannot be enforced on anyone. You must make up your mind and ask for the help of the Holy Spirit because it is not by power nor by might. Contrary to those who seem to see service to God as a penance or punishment, serving God faithfully opens you to fully experience God's love, goodness, peace, loving kindness, faithfulness, mercy and grace. There are so many rewards that comees from serving God that nothing else in the world can ever give. Serve God faithfully today.


Heavenly Father, help us to serve you faithfully in all areas of our lives. Give us the grace to diligently seek you and live a life of holiness that we may glorify you in all things in Jesus Name. Amen


The Holy Bible, Good News Translation, Ezekiel 44-48, Numbers 3:11-13

The Holy Bible, New King James Version, Hebrew 11: 6 The Viral Believer, What are Levites in the Bible.

The Bible Project, What made the tribe of Levi Special?

Photos: Pinterest

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