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Ezekiel 8: 1-18

God sees everything

The prophet Ezekiel had a vision where God took him to the north gate of the inner courtyard of the Temple, where there was a large idol that made the Lord angry. God took him to the door of the Temple courtyard, where he found a hole in the wall, and God told him to dig into the wall. So Ezekiel dug into the wall, and uncovered a door to a hidden room.

"And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abomination that they do here." Ezekiel 8: 9

God told Ezekiel to go into place and see unspeakable wickedness behind the doors. Ezekiel went in, and saw the walls engraved with all kinds of snakes, lizards, and hideous creatures. He also saw the various idols worshipped by the people of Israel (Ezekiel 8:10), he saw seventy leaders of Israel, each of them held an incense burner, and the thick cloud of the incense was above their heads (Ezekiel 8:11).

They were seventy elders burning incense to idols. Ezekiel 8:11

"Then he said unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, the LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth." Ezekiel 8: 12

God took Ezekiel and showed him more atrocities being committed in secret. He brought Ezekiel tot the north gate of the Lord's Temple, and some women were sitting there, weeping for an idol named Tammuz. He also brought Ezekiel into the inner courtyard of the Lord's Temple, at the entrance between the foyer and the bronze altar, Ezekiel saw twenty five men standing with their backs to the Temple,. They were facing eastward worshipping the sun (Ezekiel 8: 14-16).

All three visions that God revealed to Ezekiel. Ezekiel 8: 10-16

God hates idolatry, and he had explicitly commanded the people of Israel to worship no other god (Deuteronomy 5:7-9), yet the people defied the word of the Lord. They went into hidden places to engage in occult practises, thinking God would not see them. (Ezekiel 8:12). The result was a land filled with violence and God's fury (Ezekiel 8:17-18).

Today, many people commit unspeakable and abominable practises in the dark, forgetting that God sees everything. When people do not believe in God or have made God less than what He truly is, they believe the LORD does not see what they do or think and there will not be divine consequences for the choices they make. They could not be more wrong or self-deceived.

God does not only see everything, he can also reveal everything to any of his servants at anytime.

Jesus acknowledged this in Luke 12:2;

"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known."

We cannot hide anything from God, not even our darkest secrets and that is why as believers we should strive to live a life that is holy and acceptable to God. If we have committed any sin, we should go to him and humbly ask for forgiveness and he is willing and ever merciful to forgive us. Hiding your sin from God would only bring about oppression, depression, sorrow, guilt and regret.

Here are three things I noted from Ezekiel's vision in Ezekiel 8:1-9.

1. When we hide in the dark to commit sin, know that we cannot hide it from God. Ezekiel 8: 12, Luke 12:2

2. Sin has dire consequences, and the only way of escape is by running to God, repenting our sins and seeking his forgiveness.

3. As a child of God, God wants us to walk in the light of his word. Any manner of idolatry (worshipping idols, or excessive or blind adoration, devotion) will only attract misery and sorrow.

Prayer: Heavenly father, please help me to live a life that is pleasing in your sight. May I never hide my sins from you, help me to repent of my sins and forsake them today in Jesus Name. Amen.


The Holy Bible, King James Version, Ezekiel 8:1-9, Luke 12:2, Deuteronomy 5:7-9

The Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Ezekiel 8:1-9

Dark to Dawn Ministries, God sees everything and is everywhere

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