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1 Kings 3:1-28

A Wise and Understanding Heart

Solomon was made King before the passing away of his father King David (1 Kings 1:34-35, 2: 1-10). He knew he was young and the Israelites were a large number of people to rule over. Solomon knew he needed divine help, so what did he do?

Solomon loved God just like his father David. He went to Gibeon to sacrifice, he offered a thousand burnt offerings to God. That night, God came to Solomon in a dream and said;

"Ask what shall I give thee." 1 Kings 3: 5

Luca Giordano: The Dream of Solomon: God promises Solomon wisdom. 1 Kings 3: 5

Solomon started by acknowledging all that God did for his father David, and how God has made him a king after his father. He referred to himself as a little child and that he knew nothing. He then asked for an understanding heart to rule, so that he could discern between good and bad.

His speech pleased God (1 Kings 3:7-9). He didn't ask for long life, riches, or for the lives of his enemies. He asked for an understanding heart to judge and rule the people effectively. God granted him that which he required, God gave him a wise and understanding heart like none other, and also gave him the things which he did not ask for; riches and honour (1 Kings 3:12-13).

However God attached a condition to these gifts, Solomon would walk in the ways of the Lord, and keep the commandments of God just like his father David had done (1 Kings 3:14).

Solomon soon demonstrated his God given wisdom and understanding when he judged the case between the two women (1 Kings 3:16-28), and when all of Israel heard of his wise judgment they feared him and saw that the wisdom of God was in him.

As a believer, I strongly believe that wisdom and discernment are necessary to live a Godly life in our generation. I've found myself in discussions with fellow believers that have left me baffled as to why a lot of Christians today lack discernment to judge between good and bad.

What is Wisdom?

While the dictionary defines wisdom as the knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action, the bible defines wisdom as the fear of the Lord, and the fear of the Lord is to hate evil. Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 8: 13

What is Understanding?

Understanding is a superior power of discernment; enlightened intelligence. The bible refers to understanding as the knowledge of the holy. Proverbs 9:10

In other words, living holy and having the fear of the Lord is a necessary requirement to achieving wisdom and understanding. Remember Solomon loved the Lord (1 Kings 3: 3).

Why wisdom and Understanding?

Like King Solomon, we need divine wisdom and understanding to fulfill God's purpose for our lives. When we constantly study the word, it broadens our understanding of life and we begin to see the world the way God wants us to see.

A wise and understanding heart helps to discern between good and bad. It helps you mentally distinguish what is acceptable before God and what God abhors.

Wisdom can also lead to wealth, riches and honour just like King Solomon. 1 Kings 3:13, Proverbs 8: 18. King Solomon’s prosperity and success were achieved through ingenious reforms and innovations such as the improvement of defense measures; the expansion of the royal court; tributes and gifts from foreign countries under the influence of Solomon; and a land and sea trading system that utilized a powerful navy and army to protect assets and trade routes.

How do we get wisdom?

Divine wisdom comes from God and one can have access to it by asking through prayer. 1 Kings 3: 5, 9, Proverbs 2: 6, James 1:5, Proverbs 4:7

"For the LORD giveth widom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6

Here are three things I've learnt from today's passage:

1. Wisdom and understanding brings about discernment. Being able to discern between good and bad will protect us from making bad decisions. 1 Kings 3:16-28

2. It takes humility to ask for divine wisdom. Solomon acknowledged that he was a little child who knew nothing and asked for wisdom. 1 Kings 3: 7-9

3. The benefits of wisdom are many, they include riches, honour, and long life. 1 Kings 3:12-15

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please give me a wise and an understanding heart to discern between good and evil in Jesus Name.


The Holy Bible, King James Version, 1 Kings 2-3, Proverbs 2:6, 4:7, 8:13-18, 9:10, Psalm 111:10, James 1:5

Ancient History Encyclopedia-Solomon

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