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Serving God

Job 1-2

Job was described as a man who worshipped God, faithful, good and careful not to do anything evil. He was also a man of wealth as he was blessed by God. He had seven sons and three daughters and was very prosperous, the richest man in the East.

When Satan tested Job and began to afflict him, Job lost everything; he lost all his children in a day, he lost his business and finally Satan attacked his health. Job had sores all over his body. He bacame a reproach and an object of mockery. His wife urged him to curse God and die; to put an end to his misery and have it done with. His friends accused him of being unrighteous; urging him to confess of his wrongdoing. Job's friends felt he was being punished for his sins and urged him to confess. They had reasons to believe so. Why else would atrue servant of God be afflicted with so much evil?

"Job 8:4 If thy children have sinned against him, and he have cast them away for their transgression;

Job 8:6 If thou wert pure and upright; surely now he would awake for thee, and make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous.

Job faced many challenges and was still faithful to God because he feared the Lord. If Job had been serving God for the purpose of only material benefits he would have sinned against God in his darkest hours. He would have seen the futility of his service and concluded that there was no need to serve a God who he thought had deserted him.

Many times when we are faced with challenges, we feel abandoned by God. It would seem as though we are alone and even our loved ones and those closest to us won't understand.

It is important for us to love the Lord and see him as our father in heaven. Having a relationship with our maker who loves us and has given us the gift of salvation should be our top priority.

I pray someone reading this receives grace to serve God genuinely and whole heartedly in Jesus name.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for your loving kindness and your goodness over our life. Lord we ask for grace to always have faith in you in all aspects of our lives in Jesus name.

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